Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Wikipedia closing the doors?

Is the wiki ethos under threat by new rules from Wikipedia? I've been catching up on recent news and apparently the German version of Wikipedia will be implementing new editing rules which could improve the quality of editing for the online encyclopaedia.

As always, anyone will be able to make article edits, but it will take someone who has been around Wikipedia for an extended period of time and who has garnered trust to make the edits live on the public site. Jimmy Wales (founder of Wikipedia) announced that, if successful, the German pilot project could be rolled out across all Wikipedia language sites. This appears to be in response to a series of high profile editorial gaffs, as well as the promotion of malicious edits by high profile celebrities.

I'm generally in favour of Wikipedia tightening the editorial process; I've lost count of the editorial inaccuracies and defaced articles that I have encountered. But is this the beginning of the end for Wikipedia as we know it? Is it an acknowledgement that the public wiki can't scale?

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