Monday, 28 June 2010

Love me, connect me, Facebook me

This is just a quick post to alert readers to the recent existence of a dedicated MA/MSc/PG Dip. Information & Library Management Facebook group page. The page is for current and prospective ILM students, but should also prove useful to alumni and enable networking between former students and/or other information professionals.

Being a Facebook group page it is accessible to everyone; however, those of you with Facebook accounts can become fans to be kept abreast of programme news, events, research activity, industry developments and so forth. Click the "Like it!" button!

1 comment:

  1. I have to say that the Facebook page is very good and has already proved useful to me. I did set up my own LJMU MA Library + Information Mangement course group but this is much better.

    Yours ex-said course student
